Carepoint PDR Tool Set «0.15 inch 4 ММ YELLOW» rods with adjustable handle, Paintless Dent Repair Tool Set «0.15 inch 4 ММ YELLOW» rods with adjustable handle
401 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-180mm/7″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″
402 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-280mm/11″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″
403 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-280mm/11″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″
404 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L- 230mm/9″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″
405 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-280mm/11″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″
406 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-280mm/11″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″
407 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-230mm/9″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″
408 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-280mm/11″,⌀-4mm/0,15″
409 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-180mm/7″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″
410 Carepoint Rod with adjustable handle L-250 mm/9,8″, ⌀-4mm/0,15″